Cadiz Carnival

The Carnival of Cadiz is on. Last weekend a circle was opened, which will be closed in mid-March. Tonight is the starting signal, with the beginning of the Official Competition of Groups, where some of the wittiest authors of Cadiz, will sing-song about hot news, society or politics, with acerbic criticism, the droll plays on words, stinging sarcasm, and the irreverence of parody.
Cadiz Carnival is one of the best-known parties in Spain, a carnival in which everyone participates on the streets. Almost two months every year, from the ostioná and the erizá, a taste of cooked sea urchins and large oysters, which took place last week, till the 9th of March, when gaditans and visitors, say goodbye to this party just for some months. The presence of this fiesta is constant in Cadiz, because of the rehearsals, recitals, and contests of the Carnival groups, which are held throughout the year.
Cádiz distinguishes from other carnivals around the world, with the sheer cleverness and fertile imagination of its carnival attire and songs. It is traditional to paint the face as a humble substitute for a mask.
Tonight the Grand Falla Theatre opens its curtains to host the first season of the Official contest of Carnival Groups. This will be a first step to a month full of songs as, couplets, pasodobles or tangos, where the sense of humour and criticism will be present equally in chirigotas, quartets, choirs and troups. They also sing on the streets of Cadiz, during twoo weeks after the big final of the contest.
The fame of these groups is well-known all-over Andalusia, and the best of them, those who get success in the contest, perform their songs in theatres from many parts of Andalusia.
For everyone coming from out of Cadiz, it is easy to get involved in the carnival as, especially on weekends everyone in the streets wears a costume, which, many times, is related to the most polemical aspects of the news. Next step, get your own costume and enjoy it!